Every business needs to manage two types of activities: those that are palpable to customers and those that support the company’s operations. For consumers, these are invisible processes, but they also affect the final result.

Although the former are crucial, because it is where the interaction with the user occurs and sales are made, it is essential that the “non-visible” processes are also efficient. Therefore, a back office plays a very important role for companies. Discover the reasons below and how it benefits you to have one in the e-Commerce world.

What is a back office?

Briefly, the concept of “back office” refers to the areas of the company that do not provide direct income to the organization, but are equally essential for the proper functioning of the business.

In general, these activities are aimed at supporting the company and do not involve direct contact with the customer or end user. However, they help companies streamline operational processes and make better use of time.

An interesting aspect is that the back office can be worked internally or externally (that is, through a third party). In this sense, when a company opts for outsourcing, it obtains benefits such as cost reduction and increased productivity, since it accesses specialized labor for certain tasks, without incurring in training or hiring qualified personnel.

From the point of view of electronic commerce, there are experienced companies in the logistics area that are decisive in optimizing shipments, traceability and monitoring in the transport of goods.

Traceability and monitoring in the transport of goods: the importance of a good service

Distribution and logistics tasks play a fundamental role in companies, especially in the e-Commerce and retail industry.

You can have a good product at a good price, but if the delivery times and the quality of the dispatch service do not meet expectations, what you get is a bad customer experience and, with it, a decrease in the profitability of the business.

In fact, and according to a study conducted in the United States, more than 70 % of customers will not buy from a company again if the shipping experience was poor and did not meet their expectations. Thus, logistics and distribution require permanent and detailed management, something that not all companies can offer internally.

Therefore, a back office can be a great ally when it comes to providing a good customer experience and safe means of transporting goods.

Shipping logistics and distribution: how to choose a back office for your business?

Understanding the importance of shipping processes in customer satisfaction, it is important that you choose a company that is an expert in the field, with cutting-edge solutions and that is capable of adapting to the requirements of your business.

Send me is a shipping platform for e-Commerce, retail and marketplace that allows you choose between various couriers for the transport of goods. In addition, it has with unique features:

  • Integration via API: Integrate the Send me platform to your e-Commerce to manage shipments, make tracking easier and access various features from a single interface.
  • Multi-courier tracking: You and your customers will be able to track all orders, from any courier, from one place.
  • Centralized back office: Send me has an intelligent centralized panel of incidents, which notifies with automatic alerts to have a proactive and transparent management regarding the possible problems that a shipment may have. Together with the executives who have preferential channels with each courier, they solve all possible problems with your shipments more quickly and effectively.

With Send me you can optimize the performance of your shipments and considerably improve the customer experience, choosing among various providers based on factors such as pricing, coverage, and terms of service. In addition, you will be able to create labels and schedule withdrawals with different operators, reducing delivery times. All this with the security provided by its specialized back office.